Winter 2024 Training Courses

Kitware is excited to announce our winter training course schedule for 2024!

Attend our live training courses to learn how to use our popular open source platforms. These courses are taught by Kitware’s software developers who are experts in using and developing these platforms. You will gain hands on experience that will help you get the most out of our software. If you are ready to leverage efficient workflows, streamline platform features, and get impactful results, sign up for one of our courses.
Don’t wait! Take advantage of our early bird discounts and save 20% if you register by the deadline.
Why take a Kitware course?
Kitware’s training courses are unparalleled. Software R&D and scientific visualization is the core of what we do, and our experts are happy to share their knowledge with you. As the key developers behind these open source platforms, our team regularly releases new features and important updates to ensure they remain cutting-edge. You can trust that our curriculum is kept up-to-date and relevant to today’s use cases.
Winter 2024 Course Schedule
CMake Course
January 22-24, 2024
This course teach students how to efficiently write CMake scripts for projects of all sizes. You will understand the basics of CMake, the companion tools, and best practices.

Intro to Computational Model Builder (CMB)
January 22-25, 2024
This intro course will focus on the fundamental concepts of CMB, including how to model and export the information required by simulations, mesh generators, or other pre-processing tools.

VTK Beginner Course
January 29-30, 2024
This course will introduce students to VTK, teach the most fundamental concepts, and set up a working environment to explore simple visualization pipelines.

VTK Advanced Course
January 31 – February 1, 2024
This advanced course offers in-depth training on writing filters, composite data pipelines and advanced rendering approaches with VTK.

VTK.js Course
January 31-February 1, 2024
This course will introduce VTK.js and how it brings 3D visualizations to the web. Students will learn how to build interactive visualization pipelines on the web.

ParaView User Course
February 7-8, 2024
This course provides an overview of ParaView, with a focus on how to visualize and process your data. The examples are based on use cases from several scientific domains.

ParaView Developer Course
February 5-6, 2024
This developer course gives students the opportunity to look “under the hood” of ParaView so they have a detailed understanding of ParaView’s framework. You will gain the knowledge to customize ParaView so it better suits your visualization needs.

Practical MONAI Course
February 7-8, 2024
This is an intensive course intended to give clinicians, biomedical researchers, and medical industry professionals practical knowledge to help them determine how to incorporate medical image AI into their practice, research, processes, and products.

trame Course
February 12, 2024
This course will introduce trame and cover all the basics you need to get started using it. Students will also explore its connection with VTK and ParaView, as well as the various deployment options.

ITK Advanced Course
February 12-13, 2024
This course guides attendees on cutting-edge, advanced methods to utilize ITK in WebAssembly, apply deep learning methods, and extend the toolkit with custom methods through hands-on exercises.

3D Slicer Advanced Course
February 14-15, 2024
The course will cover advanced topics including script writing for the automation of pipelines and customization of the 3D Slicer user interface and workflow.
Looking for more?
In addition to our scheduled courses, Kitware offers custom training that is tailored to your organization. Based on your expertise level and needs, we can work with you to determine the course objectives. You can also schedule when and where the training will take place – online, in our offices, or at your location. Please contact us if you would like more information about our custom courses.