August 21, 202412-1pm ET

Quickly Create, Deploy and Maintain Simulation Workflows

Enabling Workflow Development with Computational Model Builder
Lisa Avila, Bob O’Bara
Visualization of wind off the back of a car.

Developing a complete simulation workflow can be a complex undertaking involving various command line tools and input files. In many situations, engineers need to specify information with respect to 3D geometric domains as well as their discretizations which can require visualization tools. An engineer has to navigate through the various tools’ input requirements and make edits to those related to the problem they are modeling. Workflows often tend to be composed of a set of scripts to be run along with notes reminding engineers which files go to which command line tool and, within those files, which parameters they were modifying. Once the simulation runs, engineers must analyze their results using various post-processing techniques which can involve additional tools. If multiple engineers are expected to perform these steps, all of the above needs to be well documented. If documentation is absent, the consequences can range from frustration to process failures that put people’s lives at risk. Multi-physics problems can increase the amount of information by orders of magnitude.

Computation Model Builder (CMB) is designed to address the challenges of designing, maintaining, and deploying simulation workflows with customizable graphical user interfaces and state-of-the-art visualization capabilities all under a permissive open source license.

During this webinar, Kitware’s simulation workflow experts will:

  1. Present CMB’s core concepts and design philosophy with respect to simulation workflows
  2. Explore how CMB has been used in a variety of workflows involving different workflow components
  3. Explain the benefits of open source technology to drive innovation and reduce cost
  4. Demonstrate the capabilities of CMB using OpenFOAM and how it can be customized to align with your project requirements and strategic goals

Image Credit: OpenFOAM based wind tunnel workflow involving car geometry provide by Porsche 911 car for #WeLoveCars collection by whatakuaicults3d.com using Computational Model Builder (CMB)

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