VTK Patch Release
January 22, 2008

The VTK 5.0.4 patch release was announced on January 22, 2008. Changes from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 are listed below. We are planning to create the VTK-5-2 branch in CVS soon in preparation for the (upcoming) release of VTK 5.2.
- XML precision fix
- Suppress deprecation warnings when using cl with Unix Makefiles generator
- Java weak reference issue
- Use vtkIdType instead of int for correct 64-bit id builds
- Fixed and simplified vtkOpenGLExtensionManager and updated OpenGL header files
- Remove legacy include of GL/glaux.h
- Add static method VTKTypeID and merge long long bug fix in vtkTypeTraits.h
- Fix incorrect file names in the vtk*Kit.cmake files
- Replace MPProcessors() for better Mac OSX 64-bit compatibility
- Selected Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx fixes for KWWidgets file browser dialog
- Fix problems when multiple observers invoke further events recursively on the same object
- Fixed bug in vtkTransform::GetOrientation when matrix is not positive semi-definite
- Set the upper limit of vtkMergeCells::PointMergeTolerance to VTK_LARGE_FLOAT
- Eliminate memory leak in vtkUnstructuredGrid::BuildLinks