VTK Google Summer of Code Projects

This is VTK‘s first year as a Google Summer of Code mentoring organization, and we are very pleased to be here. During the application period we received a large number of very high-quality proposals, and I would like to thank all of the students who applied. As it is our first year we were limited to two slots, which made choosing our students even more difficult. After much deliberation we made our decisions and I am very happy to welcome David Lonie and Tharindu De Silva as our first Google Summer of Code students!
David is working on chemistry visualization in VTK, and Tharindu is working on implementing select algorithms from IEEE VisWeek in VTK. They were both very quick to start coding, and already have code up for us to review. David was also able to come and visit us at Kitware HQ for a few days, and meet many of the core VTK and ParaView developers. I hope you will welcome David and Tharindu to the VTK community, and I look forward to seeing what they accomplish over the summer. I have seen results from both students, and they are already taking shape after only a few weeks of active development.
This is a very exciting year for the VTK community with our Google Summer of Code participation, modularization of our source tree and refresh of the build system. There are also lots of great new features going into VTK such as new charts, improved interaction and much more that I will talk about soon.