VTK Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2015

Good news everyone, the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) has been accepted as a mentoring organization in this year’s Google Summer of Code program! This will be our third time participating after very productive collaborations in 2011 and 2014. If you are a student, or know others interested in taking part, please encourage them to get in touch with us early to discuss ideas for summer projects. We have compiled a page full of ideas for projects we would like to see this summer, and we are happy to consider original ideas too.
We are looking forward to a very productive summer this year. VTK’s pace of evolution is definately ticking up with recent work focusing on faster rendering, mobile support and expanded parallelism, and we are very excited to have the opportunity to work with enthusiastic students on new features that will be integrated in our projects and made available to the wider scientific data processing and visualization community!
Best of luck to all internship applicants.
Wow 26 proposals 17 of which made the first round practicality cut. Getting hard now to decide which ones are the best.
Many thanks to Google for generously sponsoring internships to train up the next generation of software developer talent!