VTK 5.2 Released
July 10, 2008

VTK 5.2 is the first major release of VTK since 5.0 was released in January 2006. This release includes:
- The new Infovis kit for processing and visualizing “information”(non-geometric) data
- The new Views kit to combine groups of filters, visualization techniques, interaction, and selection mechanisms into a render window to view data
- A new Widgets architecture and more than a dozen new 3D widgets Improved time support
- Improved multi-block / composite data support
- Improved Java wrapping
- Improved Mac OS X support
- New Utilities: freerange, verdict, libxml2, metaio, sqlite
- Updated Utilities: freetype, zlib
- More than 300 new C++ classes since VTK 5.0
- More than 100 new C++ tests since VTK 5.0