VolView 3.4 Released

Kitware is pleased to announce the release of VolView 3.4, featuring several notable enhancements and marking the first open source release of this project. VolView is Kitware’s intuitive, interactive system for volume visualization that allows researchers to quickly explore and analyze complex 3D medical or scientific data on Windows, Mac and Linux computers. VolView is a great example of an end-user application built on top of the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK), and has been in development since 1999.
The VolView 3.4 release contains several new features. Paintbrush widgets have been added to allow users to perform manual data segmentation in 2D and 3D. There are also new segmentation filters, collectively known as the NIRFast Modules, which enable users to generate and interact with the label map overlays to create, merge, and crop segmentations using ITK and VTK filters.
Windows and Linux installers are available on the VolView download site for 32- and 64-bit architectures. Mac installers are expected to be released within the coming week. The 64-bit release of VolView allows users to load larger volumes, especially on Windows systems. While the 32-bit Windows release can generally support volumes of up to 500MB, the 64-bit release can support volumes of up to 2GB (depending on memory / graphics card configuration). The source code for VolView is available as a gzipped tar file on the VolView download site.
Kitware would like to acknowledge Dartmouth College for their support in the development of the NIRFast modules. For more information on Dartmouth’s work in near-infrared light transport in tissues, please visit the NIRFast website.
If you are interested in further information about VolView or related services such as support, consulting or training, please contact us at kitware@kitware.com.