VolView 3.2 Released
Kitware is pleased to announce the release of VolView 3.2. This release is includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:
• VolView now interfaces to the Open Source Lesion Sizing Toolkit. Through this interface, users are able to load a lung data set, use the VolView cropping planes to define a Volume of Interest, and then set a seed to get a segmentation of a lung nodule and an estimate of nodule volume.
• We improved the usability of changing between Pan/Slice/Zoom.
• Measurements can now be “locked” to a slice. In VolView 3.0 Beta, 2D measurements “floated” and were always interpreted in the context of the currently visible slice. In VolView 3.2, you can switch between this behavior and having them only associated with and visible on a single slice.
• Documentation on using and adding plugins in was added to the Users Manual. The Manual can be accessed from the “Help” button.
• The seed widget is now able to be used for plug-ins requiring seed points.
Bug Fixes:
• Improved DICOM series loading
• Removed a bug where slice displays using color transfer functions (axial, sagittal, and coronal) would lose synchronization with the associated Volume display.
• Interaction with the Label “Measurement” widget is now consistent with all other widgets
VolView is an intuitive, interactive system for volume visualization that allows researchers to quickly explore and analyze complex 3D medical or scientific data on Windows, Mac and Linux computers. Users can easily load and interactively explore datasets using 2D and 3D display methods and tools. 3D tools include volume rendering, maximum intensity projections, and oblique reformatting. The ability to save an entire visualization session allows users to easily stop and start sessions. Advanced users can perform custom data processing using a simple plug-in API.
To evaluate this product please visit kitware.com/volview and be sure to let us know what you think. Submit your feedback to kitware@kitware.com.