VIZBI Tutorial: Open Source Visualization, Analytics, and Informatics Tools

On Tuesday March 4, 2014, we will present an introductory tutorial at VIZBI on several open source and freely available tools that were recently introduced, extended, or improved at Kitware. Among the tools we will cover are web-based adaptations of our widely used ParaView Tool (ParaViewWeb) for viewing big data, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, and volume rendering; new developments in Open Chemistry tools for chemical simulation and cheminformatics; recently released Informatics tools such as Visomics, new D3 based libraries, and geospatial visualizations for omics, medical informatics research, and web based visualizations; and open source medical imaging tools for viewing and analyzing CT, MRI, and microscope derived images.

Attendees will gain introductory-level knowledge of several key open source platforms developed at Kitware, and will leave the session with the software installed on their computers. Attendees will also be introduced to open source and collaborative tools such as bug trackers, mailing lists, wikis, source code repositories, and dashboards. They will learn where each of these can be found for the tools discussed in the course. You can register for the tutorial here.