Vicente Bolea

Senior R&D Engineer

Scientific Computing

Kitware New York
Clifton Park, NY

Vicente Bolea

Vicente holds a Master’s degree of Sciences and a Bachelor of Computer Sciences specialized in HPC, specifically distributed file systems for Big Data frameworks, both from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea.

Before coming to Kitware, Vicente worked for one year as a core developer in one of the industry’s leading parallel file systems called BeeGFS. Also, while working on his bachelor’s and master’s degree, he developed and published a distributed file system that could be used instead of HDFS for hadoop applications to improve overall performance in multiple scenarios.


  1. B. Hu, B. RichardWebster, P. Tunison, E. Veenhuis, B. Ravichandran, A. Lynch, S. Crowell, A. Genova, V. Bolea, S. Jourdain, and A. Whitesell, "NRTK: an open source natural robustness toolkit for the evaluation of computer vision models," in Assurance and Security for AI-enabled Systems, 2024. [URL]
  2. V. Sanchez, W. Kim, Y. Eom, K. Jin, M. Nam, D. Hwang, J. Kim, and B. Nam, "EclipseMR: Distributed and Parallel Task Processing with Consistent Hashing," in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2017. [URL]

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