UV-CDAT 2.2.0 is out

LLNL and Kitware are working hard with other collaborators to build next generation climate data analysis and visualization toolkit. Recently, we added support to generate 1D and 2D plots using VTK in the backend. Below is our official annoucement to the community:
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.2.0.
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. We have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.2 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation. For this release, we are providing binary distributions for RedHat6/CentOS6, Ubuntu 14, Mac OS X 10.8 and up, and the installation source code. Additional binaries may become available later.
We are proud to announce the launch of an askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See: http://askbot-uvcdat.llnl.gov/
To obtain UV-CDAT or browse documentation and image galleries, please visit the following links:
Platform binaries
Binary installation instructions
Changes in v2.2
UV-CDAT Resources
Source code build instructions Documentation Image/code galleries Planned features and bug fixes for v2.3