Tomviz 1.7 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Tomviz 1.7 (GitHub release page). This release features a number of improvements including a new color map preset dialog with an improved small form factor, the ability to save custom color maps, and preview all available color maps. The HDF5 support was improved, with a new generic HDF5 file reader, and a DataExchange format reader. The HDF5 formats also support striding before loading for large volumes. A number of major dependencies were updated including Python, NumPy, SciPy, ParaView, VTK and ITK. The data properties panel was improved to show the number of voxels, memory usage, and other important parameters.

This release was made in preparation for the Kitware Summer Courses held in July, and the Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Conference held in Portland, OR. This announcement was delayed a little – it was a busy summer! 🙂 Chris Harris and I ran the short half-day course, with slides available here, and I presented the latest innovations in the Tomviz project at M&M. We are also very pleased to announce a new documentation site, which features content expanded from previous tutorials.
The Tomviz project is developed as part of a collaboration between Kitware and the University of Michigan under DOE Office of Science contract DE-SC0011385. This is a community project, and we are very pleased to take input and contributions from all in the community.