Tomviz 1.5.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Tomviz 1.5.1 (GitHub release page). This release contains a number of bug fixes and stability enhancements found after the 1.5 release, along with a few longer standing issues we tracked down. An issue affecting manual image alignment that could cause crashes when certain offset values were used near the start or end of a tilt series was fixed, and a crash affecting the loading of state files where the data file was not in the expected location was also addressed. Several other minor issues were addressed, such as reducing memory use in one of the reconstruction operators.
This is probably our final release in 2018, and we would like to thank the entire community for their feedback and support. Work on the 1.6 release has already begun with better support for data that contains more than one channel, along with improving our support for “live” pipelines where data is being acquired. As always we welcome your feedback, and hope that you find this release useful in your research!
The Tomviz project is developed as part of a collaboration between Kitware and the University of Michigan under DOE Office of Science contract DE-SC0011385. This is a community project, and we are very pleased to take input and contributions from all in the community.