Stephen Crowell

R&D Engineer

Open Source Software Technology Program
Scientific Computing

Kitware New York
Clifton Park, NY

B.S. in Computer Science
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Stephen Crowell

Stephen Crowell is an R&D engineer on Kitware’s Software Solutions Team located in Clifton Park, New York. Stephen is a participant of Kitware’s Open Source Technology Program (OSTP), which will give him the opportunity to get hands-on working experience while concurrently earning a master’s degree. This program allows Stephen to learn theoretical concepts while experiencing real-world working examples.

Prior to joining Kitware, Stephen was a software developer intern at Renaissance Electronic Services. He assisted with developing their mainline website as well as creating an internal website that allowed for clean testing data to be built for the Quality Assurance team.

Stephen received his bachelor’s in computer science with a minor in mathematics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 2021.


  1. B. Hu, B. RichardWebster, P. Tunison, E. Veenhuis, B. Ravichandran, A. Lynch, S. Crowell, A. Genova, V. Bolea, S. Jourdain, and A. Whitesell, "NRTK: an open source natural robustness toolkit for the evaluation of computer vision models," in Assurance and Security for AI-enabled Systems, 2024. [URL]

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