Showcasing Cutting-edge Computer Vision Research at CVPR 2014

Kitware, Inc. will be actively participating in the premier annual Computer Vision event, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2014 Conference, which will be kicking off this Monday, June 23 2014. Kitware is a leader in computer vision technology and research and will provide their valuable expertise throughout the main conference, as well as several co-located workshops and short courses.
Be on the lookout for Kitware’s participation in invited talks, demonstrations, tutorials, posters and papers. A teaser into what to expect from Kitware throughout this event is below!
Dr. Anthony Hoogs has been invited to present a talk titled “Video Scene Segmentation and Recognition by Location-Independent Activity Classes” at the Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, a long-standing workshop on segmentation.
Eran Swears will present a paper on “Complex Activity Recognition using Granger Constrained DBN (GDBN) in Sports and Surveillance Video” in the main conference.
Eran Swears will present his ICCV 2013 paper titled “Pyramid Coding for Functional Scene Element Recognition in Video Scenes” as a poster at the Scene Understanding Workshop.
Kitware will provide official demonstrations on our “Complex Activity Recognition Algorithms” and “Function Scene ELement Recognition Algorithms”.
During the Vision Entrepreneurs Workshop (VIEW), a poster and demonstrations will be provided on Kitware’s Collaborative Computer Vision R&D, which will touch on our in development, open source vision platform, the Kitware Image and Video Exploitation and Retrieval Toolkit (KWIVER).
Sangmin Oh, in collaboration with Computer Vision partners, will provide a half-day tutorial on event and action recognition.
Eran Swears, a member of the Kitware vision team and also a graduate student at RPI, was selected to present his dissertation at the Doctoral Consortium, a competitive program where PhD students close to graduation are paired with senior researchers for career and technical mentoring.
Feel free to reach out! There will be many Kitware team members in attendance and if you would like to set up a time to meet with us to discuss potential collaboration or how Kitware can help you meet your current computer vision research challenges, please contact us at (518) 371-3971 or We look forward to seeing you there!