Show off your science with Kitware at SC14!

Have you recently created interesting videos, images, or visualizations generated using ParaView? If so, consider sharing them with Kitware so we can feature them as part of the ParaView Showcase at our SC14 booth (#1354). In conjunction with SC14, we will also add your visualizations to the new as part of the gallery or as new case studies.
To make the most out of your submissions (and so they look great on our giant monitor!), videos should ideally be 1920×1080 pixels for HD display, and still visualizations should be 150ppi when scaled to 100%. Please be sure to include your name, a title or brief caption, and the acknowledgement you would like to appear.
To share your vis with Kitware, please e-mail or, if your files are too large to e-mail, please use our secure upload (link removed) and add “Comm” to the “Intended for” option on the upload page by October 1, 2014.
Stay tuned for updates on Kitware’s SC14 activities, which we’ll be announcing closer to the event, and be sure to stop by to see your contributions featured at our booth!