Recent Releases: Introducing the Multi-Scale Visualization Toolkit (MSVTK)

On March 1, 2013, Kitware and the MSVTK partners announced the first release of the Multi-Scale Visualization Toolkit (MSVTK). This new open-source library is based on the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and the Calibration Toolkit (CTK) to provide interactive visualization of multi-scale and multi-temporal data, as well as software components that are general enough to be used in any biomedical software project with multi-scale visualization issues.
MSVTK extends VTK by adding new tools such as readers or widgets. The library also contains custom Qt/VTK widgets. Each tool is designed with the VTK paradigm in mind, so it can easily fit into any application already using VTK.
For more information on MSVTK and how to apply it to your project, please visit and see the related blog entry. This work has been funded, in part, by the European Commission within the MSV project (FP7-IST-248032) and the NIH National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC, 2U54EB005149-06) roadmap initiative.
An adaptive mesh fit to an intra-cranial aneurysm and artery. The mesh is used in simulating blood flow and turbulence as well as vessel wall pressures for treatment planning. A demonstration application involving this data is distributed with MSVTK.