Recapping Resonant

This is the conclusion of our series of posts about Resonant, a data analytics and visualization platform for the web.
Posts in this series:
Understanding the Resonant Platform
Girder Applications: An Inside Look
Girder Worker and the COVALIC Grand Challenge
Geospatial Visualization with GeoJS
Resonant Visualization with Candela
Recapping Resonant
Over the span of five posts, we’ve introduced our vision of Resonant, a platform for data management, analytics and computation, web application development, and visualization, using cutting edge tools, all on the web. We met Girder, a web server framework that offers data storage and other capabilities; we saw the inner workings of Resonant Lab, an example of a Girder application; we got a look at how Girder Worker sparks the COVALIC Grand Challenge to life with analytic job management; we saw how GeoJS can provide geospatial visualization not just for maps but in unusual applications such as large-scale histomics slide data; and finally, we saw how Candela is used to carry out general visualization for Resonant projects.
At Kitware, we are always busy improving these technologies and developing new ones under the Resonant banner, but the most important input to the platform is our customers’ problems. We have a growing roster of experience working with many partners to solve such problems:
- Workflows for metabolomics with Indiana University
- Large data visualization with DARPA
- Challenge hosting and multiomics integration with Ohio State University
- Large slide processing and visualization with Emory University
- Workflows for phylogenetics with University of Idaho
- Neuro-developmental imaging data hosting with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Geoinformatics with Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
- Big data systems with Department of Energy
- …and many others as well
We have developed the software comprising Resonant, and the Resonant platform itself, to be a comprehensive suite of tools for real-world problem solving. Our commitment to open-source development means that the software is available to everyone. Whether you are a student, academic researcher, engineer, business owner, or someone with a problem we haven’t yet imagined, we want to make it our business to help you solve your problems. Come talk to us about crafting custom solutions to your unique problems, or suggest ways we can improve the existing tools or add new ones. We’re excited to make Resonant bigger and better, and the best way to do that is to bring you into the conversation. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you!