PyData Carolinas 2016 in Photos

The first PyData Carolinas Conference was held from September 14-16, 2016 at IBM in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The event was very successful with over 350 attendees and every room packed in three parallel tracks, which reflects the technological energy for Python in data science in the Carolinas.
Kitware participated with a number of talks and tutorials. Dr. Matthew McCormick presented a tutorial on ITK in Biomedical Research and Commercial Applications, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Matthew McCormick, Max Smolens, Omar Padron presented scikit-build: an improved build system generator for CPython C extensions, and Dr. Deepak Roy Chittajallu presented HistomicsTK: An open-source python toolkit for web-based analysis of digital histopathology data.
The photos below, taken by Professor Anthony Scopatz, present a few highlights from the conference.