Meet the Team
Ben Boeckel
Principal Engineer
Scientific Computing
Kitware New York
Clifton Park, NY
B.S. in Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ben Boeckel received his B.S. in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2010. Ever since high school, Ben has been writing code of some form or another from C on calculators to contributing to Haskell window managers.
A Fedora contributor, Ben has contributed to the KDE Special Interest Group (SIG) and maintains various packages in the distribution. He has also contributed to various open source projects from KDE to other small projects he encountered over time.
- U. Ayachit, A. Bauer, B. Boeckel, B. Geveci, K. Moreland, P. O’Leary, and T. Osika, "Catalyst Revised: Rethinking the ParaView in Situ Analysis and Visualization API," in High Performance Computing. Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 484-494. [URL]
- A. Hoogs, A. Perera, R. Collins, A. Basharat, K. Fieldhouse, C. Atkins, L. Sherrill, B. Boeckel, R. Blue, M. Woehlke, C. Greco, Z. Sun, E. Swears, N. Cuntoor, J. Luck, B. Drew, D. Hanson, D. Rowley, J. Kopaz, T. Rude, D. Keefe, A. Srivastava, S. Khanwalkar, A. Kumar, C. Chen, J. Aggarwal, L. Davis, Y. Yacoob, A. Jain, D. Liu, S. Chang, B. Song, A. Roy-Chowdhury, K. Sullivan, J. Tesic, S. Chandrasekaran, B. Manjunath, X. Wang, Q. Ji, K. Reddy, J. Liu, M. Shah, K. Chang, T. Chen, and M. Desai, "An end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement," in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2015. [URL]
- K. Fieldhouse, M. Leotta, A. Basharat, R. Blue, D. Stoup, C. Atkins, L. Sherrill, B. Boeckel, P. Tunison, J. Becker, M. Dawkins, M. Woehlke, R. Collins, M. Turek, and A. Hoogs, "KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation framework," in Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2014. [URL]
- S. Pizer, S. Jung, D. Goswami, J. Vicory, X. Zhao, R. Chaudhuri, J. Damon, S. Huckemann, and J. Marron, "Nested Sphere Statistics of Skeletal Models," in Innovations for Shape Analysis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 93-115. [URL]