Paper on In Situ Methods Accepted for Publication

A group of researchers in industry, academia and the DOE national labs, including Andrew Bauer, Berk Geveci and Patrick O’Leary from Kitware, recently submitted a State-of-the-Art Report (STAR) to Eurovis 2016 on in situ methods which was accepted for publication. The abstract for the paper is:
The considerable interest in the high performance computing (HPC) community regarding analyzing and visualization data without first writing to disk, i.e., in situ processing, is due to several factors. First is an I/O cost savings, where data is analyzed/visualized while being generated, without first storing to a filesystem. Second is the potential for increased accuracy, where fine temporal sampling of transient analysis might expose some complex behavior missed in coarse temporal sampling. Third is the ability to use all available resources, CPU’s and accelerators, in the computation of analysis products. This STAR paper brings together researchers, developers and practitioners using in situ methods in extreme-scale HPC with the goal to present existing methods, infrastructures, and a range of computational science and engineering applications using in situ analysis and
Additionally, as part of the Eurovis 2016 conference, E. Wes Bethel from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will be presenting the paper during the ST2: Distributed Visualization session on Wednesday, June 8th, 11:00-12:40 in Lower Room 1.
This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-SC0012387, through the grant “Scalable Analysis Methods and In Situ Infrastructure for Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovery,” program manager Dr. Lucy Nowell.
Congrats, everyone!
Good job!