Midas 3.2.8 Released

The Midas team is pleased to announce the release of Midas 3.2.8. This release includes improved LDAP support, multi-factor authentication, and improved logging for auditing. In addition, there is now a plugin for algorithm dashboards, Apache Solr can be used as a search index, metadata can be extracted from DICOM data, and there is support for thumbnailing ITK files.
There are also a number of other changes and improvements in the Midas 3.2.8 release, and the full list is available in the change log.
Users are encouraged to download and try the latest release from the Midas download page, and join the Midas community and mailing list.
For more information on Midas and how it can be integrated into your data management workflow, please visit the Midas Platform website, or contact us at kitware@kitware.com or (518) 371-3971.