MICCAI Young Scientist Publication Impact Award: Dr. Cruz-Roa

Kitware is the proud sponsor of the 2017 MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Conference) Young Scientist Publication Impact Award.
The MICCAI Young Scientist Publication Impact Award is intended to recognize, reward, and encourage those scientists who are early in their careers and who are shaping the future of our field. This award is given in recognition of a MICCAI conference publication by a young scientist that was presented at the main MICCAI conference within the past five years and that has subsequently had a significant impact on the field.
The award committee consisted of Dr. Sandy Wells (Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard, Committee Chair), Dr. Marc Niethammer (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Dr. Stephen Aylward (Kitware). The committee considers qualitative measures such as a personal statement from the author as well as quantitative measures such as the number times the paper, and follow-on papers, have been cited.
The winner of the MICCAI 2017 Young Scientist Publication Impact Award and its $1000 prize is
Dr. Angel Alfonso Cruz-Roa
Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia
for his MICCAI 2013 paper
“A Deep Learning Architecture for Image Representation, Visual Interpretability and Automated Basal-Cell Carcinoma Cancer Detection”
That paper addresses the visual interpretability of machine learning models by using latent semantics analysis. That paper is also one of the early applications of deep learning to histopathology images.