Lightning Talk Presented at GEOINT 2014

At the 10th annual Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Symposium, Matt Turek, Kitware’s Assistant Director of Computer Vision, presented new technology being developed at Kitware that addresses the challenges of analyzing crowdsourced multimedia. The lightning talk “Large-Scale Understanding of Crowdsourced Multimedia Relationships” detailed approaches that would enable analysts to more efficiently evaluate large-scale multimedia collections, such as YouTube videos, for salient information. Kitware’s solutions center on automatic video grouping based on semantic concepts and interactive multimedia organization.
This technology, detailed on the Kitware blog, represents some of the cutting-edge research being done by Kitware’s Computer Vision team. In addition to providing solutions to the GEOINT community, Kitware has developed and deployed operational solutions to support other intelligence communities, including a WAMI tracker successfully transitioned to theatre, and a ship normalcy modeling and anomaly detection component for the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). The download for the abstract and presentation slides for this talk are available. To discuss Kitware’s computer vision technical expertise or arrange a briefing, please contact