LidarView supports Hesai data
March 23, 2022

We are proud to announce that LidarView can now visualize Hesai data in streaming or replay.
Here is an example of an indoor mapping of the exhibition hall (~500m²) of Cité Internationale in Lyon (France) made with a pandarXT : 20 minutes of acquisition without any external sensor.
Use our Slam to rebuild the world !
Where can I get LidarView with the HESAI support and SLAM to reproduce this blogpost with my Hesai data?
I tried the src of branch LidarView introducing Hesai plugin ( but it does not work because a missing repository :
Xianyuan (Jeff) Shi
Where can I get LidarView with the HESAI data support and SLAM to reproduce this?
I canot find it in the binary provided in
I tried the src of branch LidarView introducing Hesai plugin ( but it does not work because a missing repository :