KiwiViewer Released in Apple App Store

Kitware is pleased to announce the release of KiwiViewer, a free, interactive application for the exploration of geometric datasets in the Apple App Store. Supported by Kitware and the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), this new mobile application enables users to access 3D datasets from email attachments or through Dropbox and easily pan, zoom, and rotate with intuitive multi-touch gestures on an iPad.
KiwiViewer is built on top of Kitware’s new VES toolkit to support OpenGL ES rendering and multi-touch interaction, as well as portions of VTK for data loading and filtering. The new application can load STL, OBJ and VTK surface geometry files. Both VES and the KiwiViewer application will be released as open-source by the end of 2011.
In addition to the open-source release, Kitware hopes to expand KiwiViewer onto additional mobile platforms such as the iPhone and Android-based devices.
KiwiViewer is Kitware’s first application designed exclusively for a mobile device, and the company plans to expand its other cross-platform solutions to mobile devices. In addition, Kitware is actively working to port existing toolkits, such as VTK, onto mobile platforms.