Kitware’s Employees Craft Its Mission and Value Statements

Kitware engaged its employees to define its mission and values, and we are proud of what we crafted and the messages that it carries.
Our Mission:
Advance the frontiers of understanding by developing innovative open-source software platforms and integrating them into research, processes, and products.
Our Values
Culture › We promote an inclusive and energized environment that emphasizes integrity and teamwork.
Growth › We work passionately and creatively to grow personally, professionally, and together as a company.
Collaboration › We drive sustainable innovation through collaborative relationships with customers and open-source communities.
Open Science › We champion algorithms and open-source software platforms to accelerate the pace of reproducible research and product development.
Impact › We advance scientific understanding for the betterment of humankind.
How did we form these mission and value statement? We asked our team members to respond to the following questions:
• What is important to you, as a Kitware employee?
• What should Kitware value in order to continue to succeed?
Their responses are captured in the below word cloud.
Those words guided us as we drafted our mission statement. As with agile programming, we conducted numerous iterations of release, receive feedback, and revise involving the entire company to hone the message and wording.
Our mission and value statements are now featured on our “About” page, as well as an overview of our company and an explanation of our commitment to open science. We encourage you to give them a read!