Kitware Welcomes Nine New Employees, Looking to Hire More

Kitware welcomes several new employees to the team:
Jacob joined Kitware’s Computer Vision Group in October 2009 as an R&D Engineer. Jacob received his B.S. in Computer Science and Archaeology from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse (UW-L) in 2001 and his M.S. in Computer Science from RPI in 2009. While at RPI he researched aligning a 2D image to a 3D model and filling in holes in LiDAR data using evidence provided by a single aligned 2D image.
Aashish joined Kitware’s Scientific Computing Group in October 2009 as an R&D Engineer. Aashish received his B.S. (Honors) in Mechanical Engineering from Devhi Ahilya University (India) in 2000 and his M.S. in Industrial Engineering with minor in Computer Science from Iowa State University. His thesis work involved researching, designing and developing frameworks to integrate simulation with visualization in virtual reality environments. Aashish is also a contributor to the Minerva Open Source Project.
Theresa joined Kitware in September 2009 as an Accounting Specialist. Prior to joining Kitware, Theresa worked as an Accounting Associate for a non-profit company in Clifton Park. Theresa received her Associate’s Degree in Accounting from Schenectady County Community College in 2002.
Robert Maynard joined the Scientific Computing Group at Kitware in March 2010. Robert received his B.S. in Computer Science from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario in May 2007. After graduating Robert spent 3 years at MIRARCO where he was the primary programmer on ParaViewGeo, a fork of ParaView designed for the mining industry. While at MIRARCO, he worked on several internal projects focusing on visualization for the mining industry.
Sébastien Jourdain joined Kitware in February 2010 where he is currently working on the collaborative aspects of ParaView. Prior to joining Kitware, Sébastien developed open source software projects at Artenum for research laboratories and various French companies. Sébastien was also previously a member of the researech team at INRIA-Lorraine where he worked on the LibreSource project. He received a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the ESSTIN Engineering School in France.
Ben Boeckel joined Kitware in June 2010 as a member of the Computer Vision group. Ben received his B.S. in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Prior to joining Kitware, Ben contributed to the Fedora project and to the KDE Special Interest Group (SIG).
Keith Fieldhouse joined Kitware in May 2010 as a member of the Scientific Computing group. Keith graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Kitware, Keith worked at Simmetrix Inc, where he developed a Python-based rapid development environment for Simulation Based Design.
Gabe Hart
Gabe Hart joined Kitware in June 2010 where he is currently working on the ITK project. Dan received his B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Carleton College and his M.S. in Computer Science with a focus on medical image analysis from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. At UNC, Gabe’s research focused on deformable registration and its application to longitudinal atlas construction.
Nikhil Shetty
Nikhil Shetty originally joined Kitware as an intern in May 2009 and he returned to Kitware in May 2010 as a member of the Scientific Computing Group. Nikhil has written a VRJuggler client to ParaView to enable visualization of scientific data in caves, tiled walls and other VR environments, and has contributed to ParaView and Titan. Nikhil received his Bachelors in Computer Science and IT from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. Currently, he is a PhD candidate from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where he completed his MS in Computer Science.
Kitware is hiring!
Kitware has an immediate need for talented Software Developers, especially those with experience in Computer Vision, Scientific Computing and Biomedical Imaging. Qualified applicants will have the opportunity to work with leaders in computer vision, medical imaging, visualization, 3D data publishing and technical software development. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter and resume to to ensure their immediate consideration.