Kitware Presents Advances in Medical Computing at MICCAI 2014

Kitware is exhibiting recent work in medical computing at the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2014 conference in Boston, MA.
MICCAI 2014 is one of the premier conferences in the medical computing field, highlighting topics such as medical image computing, computer-assisted intervention, visualization, computer-aided diagnosis, and new imaging applications. Kitware is actively participating in MICCAI 2014 and in the 7th Annual Image-Guided Therapy workshop, which is being held in conjunction with the conference.
Kitware’s involvement spans presentations, tutorials, and panel participation. Collaborative research with the University of North Carolina on atlas-based segmentation and atlas building will be presented in the paper “Low-Rank to the Rescue – Atlas-based Analyses in the Presence of Pathologies,” which was co-authored Xiaoxiao Liu, Marc Niethammer, Roland Kwitt, Matthew McCormick, and Stephen Aylward.
Stephen Aylward, Kitware’s Senior Director of Medical Research, will serve as an invited speaker for the “Building image-guidance systems from open-source components” tutorial. The hands-on tutorial will showcase best practices in prototyping image-guidance systems for minimally invasive interventions using open-source software tools. In particular, the tutorial will highlight 3D Slicer. Dr. Aylward directs several research projects that focus on 3D Slicer, including the use of 3D Slicer to perform surface model registrations as demonstrated in the recently released video, “Fusing Surface Models and Medical Images, using the Structure Sensor and 3D Slicer.”
“3D Slicer is a highly capable and customizable platform that serves as an outstanding host for our research into vascular network characterization and real-time ultrasound processing,” Dr. Aylward, who served as one of five experts on the MICCAI Academia & Industry Event panel earlier in the week, said.
Furthermore, as an advocate for scientists pursuing influential research in medical computing, Kitware is once again sponsoring the Young Scientist Publication Impact Award. This award, now in its fourth year, recognizes researchers who are making impactful progress on the field of medical image analysis while early in their careers.
Meanwhile, during the 7th Annual Image-Guided Therapy workshop, Ricardo Ortiz will present work on “Finite element based biomechanical analysis of cranial shapes for craniosynostosis surgical correction,” which he co-authored with Andy Bauer, Andinet Enquobahrie, Nabile Safdar, Gary Rogers, and Marius Linguraru. The goal of this work is to shift the surgical correction procedure for pediatric patients with craniosynostosis from subjective visual assessments to a virtual surgery system for optimal treatment planning.
To learn more about Kitware’s cutting-edge solutions in medical computing, such as tailored medical applications; augmenting and re-invigorating existing medical software systems with high-quality software practices; and providing advanced image and data analysis, fusion, and visualization expertise in medical computing, please contact kitware(at)kitware(dot)com or (518) 371-3971. Kitware team members attending MICCAI 2014 will be available throughout the event for meetings or discussions.