Kitware Picnic – Carrboro

This year, I was fortunate to be able to participate in two Kitware picnics. Us Northerners celebrate in the beautiful summer weather, but the Southerners in our North Carolina office find the summer heat a bit too oppressive to think about outdoor activities. So on a beautiful fall day (which felt quite a bit like our summer in New York!) the Carrboro office (along with myself, Will, and Rick from the Clifton Park office) headed over to Rigmor House for a day of food and activities. Below you’ll find a sampling of our pictures from the day.
It would clearly not be a Kitware event if there were not vast quantities of food involved. We enjoyed southern-style barbecue followed by plenty of yummy desserts!
It is a race to the top – surely Patrick and Stephen won’t be beat by an 11 year old child?
It is now down to just two. Note how Stephen doesn’t seem to need to use his
feet – he has no problem simply pulling himself up the wall hand-over-hand.
And Stephen pulls off the victory – hitting the buzzer before being stung
by the bees that were hovering around the top of the rock wall.
Stephen relaxes and takes in the scenery on his way back down.
Will shows off his fearless CEO skills by also conquering the rock wall.
The obstacle course was actually more challenging than the one we had in New York, but we could not get a good relay race going. Perhaps everyone was scared off by the tales told of our highly-competitive race in NY? Maybe next year…
In the end, even the canine attendees had a good time. Although, I have heard that
he was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to drive home.
Now to round out my picnic attendance, I am going to have to find a way to get invited to whatever picnic our French office may have next year. Wish me luck!