Kitware is a leader in Software and Customized Solutions for Physiology and Surgical Simulation at IMSH 2020

The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) is a scientific conference that explores the latest innovations and best practices in healthcare simulation. The conference is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It takes place January 18-22 in San Diego, CA.
The conference attracts approximately 3,500 attendees, the majority of whom are educators followed by administrators. Exhibitors of the show often feature manikin and computer-based simulation, VR, AR, task trainers, learning management systems, digital applications and games, IT solutions, and more.
Kitware will be presenting demonstrations of our capabilities in physiology and surgical simulation at booth 912 this year and Dr. Rachel Clipp will be presenting the Pulse Physiology Engine at the SimVentors Showcase at 6 p.m. on Sunday, January 19.

The Pulse Physiology Engine is an open source physiology engine for real-time consistent and accurate physiology feedback of patient health during medical simulations. We are releasing Pulse 2.3 with API updates, included in our Pulse Unity Asset version 2.0 (available next week). These updates include, added Data Request support for requesting any data from the engine, added support for patient creation, with or without chronic conditions, and added support for more actions. We have also significantly improved our respiratory models, including an updated respiratory circuit, a refactored respiratory muscle driver with a new waveform, the inclusion of a sigmoidal chest wall compliance model, and much more.

We are continuing to expand our commercial teaming, including Exonicus, Computational Life, BioMojo, and KbPort. We have seen increased community involvement, including new bug fixes and the University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign’s model for pulmonary fibrosis.
Visit our new and improved website to download and learn more about Pulse. To stay up to date on our latest news, sign up for our newsletter.

Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit (iMSTK) is a free, open source toolkit that allows faster prototyping of medical trainers and planners. Specifically, iMSTK brings together interdisciplinary technologies that are required to build physics-based simulation driving such applications.
We recently released version 2.0 of iMSTK, which offers improved functionality with many new features as well as refactored modules that address the ease-of-use, and extendability of the API. Specifically, we have added new features and greatly improved the features and efficiency of the physics, collision modules, and rendering modules. Some of the highlights are the addition and improvement of rigid body dynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for fluids modeling, multi-threading support, and Octree collision detection.

For more information about iMSTK, visit the iMSTK webpage and download the source code.
If you are interested in learning more about Pulse and iMSTK and working with Kitware to develop customized software solutions for your medical simulation and education needs, please contact us at or drop by our booth (912) at IMSH. We look forward to seeing you.