Kitware Invited to Present VIAME Overview and Tutorial During the 2nd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences

Kitware is proud to be involved in the 2nd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences. According to NOAA, the goal of the workshop is to help gather scientists, program managers, and leaders from the public, academic, and private sectors and enable them to meet and exchange experiences related to the development and adaptation of AI tools and applications. This year’s workshop will be hosted virtually and span over several months.
On Thursday, August 27, at 1 PM ET, Matthew Dawkins from our Computer Vision Team will present during Session 5 (S5): AI/ML for Environmental Data, Image, and Signal Processing, Part 1. He will provide a 20-minute overview of the Video and Image Analytics for Marine Environments (VIAME) toolkit, a do-it-yourself AI platform that enables marine scientists to leverage deep learning for image/video analysis without any knowledge of AI, deep learning or programming.

On Tuesday, September 22, from noon to 2 PM ET, Matthew will be joined by Anthony Hoogs, senior director of computer vision at Kitware, and Aashish Chaudhary from our Data and Analytics Team, as they present a tutorial on VIAME.
Kitware has worked with NOAA since 2015 to develop the VIAME toolkit, sponsored by the Automated Imagery Analysis Strategic Initiative (AIASI) within NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. In 2019, the US Department of Commerce presented NOAA members of the AIASI Steering Committee with a Gold Honor Award for “Scientific or Technical Achievement” for the development of VIAME and CoralNet, another open source software toolkit. This is the highest technical award within the DOC.
The full agenda for the workshop can be found here.