Kitware Hosts First Tech Valley Talk

Last Tuesday at the Comfort Suites in Clifton Park, Kitware held its first “Tech Valley Talk,” which was co-hosted with Vicarious Visions, a video and computer game development company best known for their work on Guitar Hero.
The talk focused on Agile Programming Practices, with Nicholas Ruepp, a Producer at Vicarious Visions, and Bill Hoffman, VP and CTO at Kitware, discussing how agile practices are implemented at each of their companies. Nicholas highlighted how Vicarious Visions uses agile practices to maintain a consistent level of effort during production, rather than the excessive swings often experienced with a waterfall process. Bill discussed how Kitware has implemented agile processes, starting from a key text and adapting the methodologies to fit the needs at Kitware. Following the presentations was an engaging Q&A session.
There was an excellent turnout for the event of around 70 people from Kitware, Vicarious Visions, local technology companies and local universities. Kitware plans on holding events like this at least once a quarter, so if you are interested in collaborating on a talk or attending, please email
A big thank you to everyone who contributed and helped make this event a success!
There were representatives from Agora Games, who seemed to enjoy the presentation! See their blog post on it here: