Kitware Headquarters Fall Outing September 2011

Fall is a picturesque time of year in upstate New York. This past weekend, our Kitware team in Clifton Park headed out to enjoy the warm fall temperatures at Liberty Ridge Farms. Approximately 90 employees and their family members joined in on the fun. Whether you wanted to wander through all of or parts of the 12 acre corn maze, or see how high you could bounce on the bounce pillow, fun was had by all.
I believe the highlight of the day for many of us was being able to take on the pumpkin shooter; it was so much fun to load the cannon with a tiny pumpkin and see how far you could launch it into the pumpkin patch. We topped off our outing with some apple cider and donuts. Everyone knows it can’t be a Kitware outing without food!!!
*Photos compliments of one of our newest Kitware employees Sankhesh Jhaveri.
Great pix! If you zoom in on the top right one you can see the pumpkin flying through the air.