Kitware Gives Back to Local Animal Shelters in April

Kitware employees recognize the connection between strong communities and good business.
As our company grows, we are bringing with us a tradition of supporting the needs of our communities.
The idea for “Kitware Gives Back” started by donating our refundable cans and bottles to different organizations each month. The cans and bottles have helped support local sports teams, elementary schools, etc. Our efforts have been received so well that we wanted to expand upon this great idea. Throughout the year we will be announcing different events to help non-profit organizations.
With April designated as Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month and April 11th being National Pet Day, it was the perfect opportunity to roll-out our voluntary “Kitware Gives Back” program by supporting our local animal shelters: the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society: Menands Animal Shelter in Menands, NY and the Orange County Animal Services in Chapel Hill, NC. Employees were encouraged to give back by donating items of need from shelter-provided lists or with a monetary donation.
With all the soda consumed at Kitware headquarters in Clifton Park, we donated 13 huge bags of refundable cans. As I dropped off our donations, there was a sign stating that the Mohawk Humane Society collected over $58,000 in recycled cans and bottles for 2011. Hopefully Kitware has helped them exceed this amount in 2012. These bags and other donations of food, cleaning supplies, etc. completely filled my SUV – barely leaving enough room for me to drive to the shelter!
Kitware South in Carrboro also had a good amount of donation to donate to Orange County Animal Shelter in Chapel Hill, NC.
We plan to give back to our communities via different charities and organizations each month, so be sure to keep an eye on the blog for future updates.