Kitware Demonstrates Computational Model Builder at SC13

The Kitware Team is at Supercomputing 2013 this week demonstrating a variety of scientific computing software solutions. Included in this demonstration lineup is CMB-Hydro, which is part of the Computational Model Builder (CMB) Open Source Project. CMB-Hydro is focused on building hydrological simulations and is developed jointly by Kitware and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). CMB-Hydro addresses the pre- and post-processing needs associated with groundwater and surface water hydrological simulations, and includes tools for processing scatter point data, creating geometric domains, associating simulation information to parts of the domain, and creating and manipulating computational meshes.
View the video: Creating an Analysis Model of Cesapeake and Delaware Bays from Digital Elevation Model Data from Kitware on Vimeo.
In this video example the subject of study is the Chesapeake Bay area. Several simulations will be performed to study important regional issues including the level of flooding that would be expected under certain hurricane conditions and the impact of fertilizer run off in the de-oxygenation of the bays. A high resolution digital elevation model is available for the area, and this must be converted into polygonal data for input into the simulation process. This conversion is performed using a series of filters available in the CMB suite, as well as a manual step distinguishing between the Chesapeake Bay (shown in green), the Delaware Bay (shown in orange) and the off shore area (shown in blue).
To learn more about CMB-Hydro and the overall CMB Project, as well as how a Kitware solution can be applied to your simulation modeling or post-processing needs, please stop by booth #4207 or contact us at