Kitware at MultiMat 2017
October 2, 2017

The 8th edition International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flow (MultiMat 2017) that held last week (September 18-22, 2017) in Santa-Fe, NM, USA was a great success!
Kitware (also sponsor of the conference) presented the fruit of its collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory on Voronoi meshing:
2D and 3D Voronoi Meshes Generation with ShaPo was presented by Joachim Pouderoux from Kitware’s European offices, Lyon, France.
- A Regional Reconnection-based Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ReALE) Method for Multiple Materials presented by Marc Charest from LANL was co-authored by Joachim Pouderoux from Kitware’s European offices, Lyon, France.
Left: Predicted density contours for sample ALE computation.
Center: Exploded view of a 3D Clipped Voronoi parallel mesh computed on 12 MPI ranks.
Right: 3D Clipped Voronoi mesh of a non-convex domain.
Center: Exploded view of a 3D Clipped Voronoi parallel mesh computed on 12 MPI ranks.
Right: 3D Clipped Voronoi mesh of a non-convex domain.
(All meshes computed with ShaPo library developed by Kitware for LANL)