Kitware at ISMAR 2017

Lucas Gandel attended the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality which took place in Nantes (France) from October 9th to 13th.
Kitware presented a half day tutorial on “Developing virtual reality applications with VTK”. The attendees were presented with an introduction to VTK before discovering how to make Virtual Reality applications using VTK’s OpenVR support. Small demonstration applications were presented in different fields of study such as Medical Imaging or Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The main topics of the conference were focused on augmented and mixed reality, and many issues about registration between the real world and the virtual scene were explained and addressed.
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms as well as deep learning techniques were also presented on different projects in order to perform object tracking in augmented reality.
Kitware is currently working on improving support for virtual reality animations in ParaView. The interest that was shown during this conference is encouraging for future developments.
If you have projects related to virtual reality and think VTK can help with your development, feel free to contact us.
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