Kitware at IEEE Vis 2017
October 11, 2017

During the first week of October took place IEEE Vis 2017 in Phoenix, AZ.
Kitware supported this event and was involved in at least 3 presentations, 2 of them took place at LDAV (Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization) symposium:
- Task-based Augmented Merge Trees with Fibonacci Heaps at LDAV, by Charles Gueunet (KW), Julien Tierny, Pierre Fortin and Julien Jomier (KW).
This paper presented a new algorithm to compute the augmented merge tree and the augmented contour tree on a shared memory workstation. The approach relies on local propagations managed by tasks and offers good performances both sequentially and in parallel.
- Parallel Multi-Level Ghost Cell Generation for Distributed Unstructured Grids at LDAV, by John M. Patchett, Boonthanome Nouanesengesy, Joachim Pouderoux (KW), James Ahrens, Hans Hagen.
This paper presented a efficent parallel algorithm to compute one or multiple levels of ghost cells on a parallel unstructured grid. The described algorithm was added to VTK and ParaView.
- The Topology Toolkit [Best Paper Honorable Mention] in IEEE Vis, by Julien Tierny, Guillaume Favelier, Jushua A. Levine, Charles Gueunet (KW), Michael Michaux.
This technical report presented a new open-source platform to compute topological abstraction based on VTK and Paraview. It will be detailed in a future article.
Otherwise, this year machine learning seemed to be a hot topic. Involved in several panels, the main subjects were the role of the human and the use of visualization to understand, train or debug the model.