Kitware Announces the Release of KiwiViewer 0.0.2

Kitware is pleased to announce the release of KiwiViewer 0.0.2. This latest version of the free, interactive mobile application for the exploration of geometric datasets is now available for download at the Apple app store.
Most notable about this release is the new support for iPhone devices, in addition to the iPad. Other features include support for scalar variables for displaying colors on surfaces, device rotation, reading MOVIE.BYU geometry (.g) files, and reading Protein Data Bank (.pdb) files.
Kitware plans to demonstrate KiwiViewer at several upcoming conferences including MICCAI in Toronto in late September, and VisWeek in Providence in late October. If you would like to set up a meeting at one of these venues, or schedule a phone conversation to discuss your mobile computing needs, please contact us at or (518) 371-3971.