Kitware and KbPort Announce the Launch of SimPulse, a Virtual Patient Simulator for Medical Training

We are excited to announce the launch of SimPulse, a virtual patient simulator with real-time physiologic and pharmacologic responses. Kitware and KbPort have partnered on this project, utilizing Kitware’s Pulse Physiology Engine and KbPort’s simulated electronic medical record platform, SimEMR. SimPulse provides real-time physiological and pharmacological patient data required for clinical decision-making and documentation, making it a valuable application for medical training. SimPulse supports critical learning elements such as patient safety, medication administration, patient interactions, and patient vitals. Learn more about SimPulse >

Kitware’s Medical Computing Team
Our Medical Computing Team is composed of computer scientists, software engineers, and imaging experts. Specializing in the medical and biomedical industries, they provide collaborative research, development, and technology integration services for research centers, universities, and commercial companies. Our team developed the Pulse Physiology Engine, an open source, comprehensive human physiology simulator that drives medical education, research, and training technologies. Pulse can be used as a standalone application or integrated with simulators, sensor interfaces, and models of all fidelities. If you are interested in using Pulse for your medical training tools, contact us at to schedule a meeting with our medical team.