KHQ 2nd Annual Blood Drive

On June 28, our Corporate Office held it’s 2nd annual blood drive for the Red Cross. We were hoping to top last summers totals – 36 donors, 28 pints of whole blood collected, and 2 pints of double red donors for a total of 30 pints. This year we did have some local competition, as Ellis Emergent Care who is less then 1 mile away was also holding a blood drive the same day.
Katie and I were intrigued once again this year by how quickly the Red Cross staff shows up and transforms the auditorium within minutes into a blood drawing station. They break everything down just as quickly at the end of the day. This year’s drive started off at 10am, with donors showing up before they were officially opened, and we were hoping this was a good sign. By 10:15am, we even had some Kitware folks waiting.
We had a fair amount of foot traffic all morning, but by 1:30pm things died down. Our totals for this year were: 26 donors, 18 pints of whole blood collected, and 6 pints of double red for a total of 24 pints. So we did not beat last year’s numbers, but the staff was happy about the turn out and that we had 3 double red cell donors!
Thank you to everyone that was able to donate, a big round of applause to Joe Synder who was a double red cell donor!!! Thank you for Steve and Chaz for helping Katie and I out at the end of the day while the Red Cross cleaned up and shutdown the blood drive.