ITK 5.0 Release Candidate 2: Spatial Object’s

We are happy to announce the Insight Toolkit (ITK) Release Candidate 2! This will be the final release candidate before the 5.0.0 release, and the community is encouraged to adopt 5.0 RC 2 in ITK-based applications.
Python Packages
ITK Python packages can be installed by running:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade --pre itk
Library Sources
Testing Data
Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.

Image denoising with the new ITKTotalVariation remote module. Left: Transmission electron microscopy image of pectin. Right: Denoised image.
This release features a major upgrade to the ITK Spatial Object framework, led by Stephen Aylward, with contributions from Hastings Greer, Forrest Lee, Niels Dekker, Dženan Zukić, and Hans Johnson. In ITK, a itk::SpatialObject
provides a representation of objects and the mechanism to specify their spatial relationship relative to other objects in a scene. Objects can be images but also abstract, parametric entities, such as a ellipse, box, or arrow, or point-based, such as a tube, contour, or surface. Objects can be organized into spatial hierarchies.SpatialObject
s are key for model-based registration, integration of segmentation results in multiple formats, conversions to and from images, and capturing spatial relationships between structures.
In ITK 5, the SpatialObject
framework was refactored to improve consistency in the the programming interface and simplify implementation and usage. As a result, incorrect or unexpected behaviors are avoided. Complexity and dependency were reduced by removing a dependency on the VNL tree data structures. Additionally, IndexSpace was removed from the API of all SpatialObject
s to prevent ambiguity while providing a consistent and intuitive interface. Only two reference spaces are consistently and explicitly available in the API: ObjectSpace and WorldSpace. ObjectSpace is the space local to each object, where the object’s parameters are defined. WorldSpace is the coordinate system defined by the top-level SpatialObject
in a hierachy, which is defined by parent-child object relationships. Only two transforms are now consistently and explicitly available in the API: ObjectToParent transform and ObjectToWorld transform. The ObjectToParent transform moves an object within its parent’s ObjectSpace. The ObjectToWorld transform is derived from component ObjectToParent transforms and is provided for convenience and to reduce redundant computations. The API is now more explicit regarding the space that an operation applies to. For instance, IsInside(point)
is now IsInsideInObjectSpace(point)
or IsInsideInWorldSpace(point)
. For more information on the SpatialObject
s changes, see the ITK 5 Migration Guide.
The Python package synchronization infrastructure for static global variables was refactored to support more variables and permit future additions to the singleton. This will prevent the need to rebuild remote module binary Python packages following future releases of ITK 5. However, current remote module Python packages that use ITK 5 should be rebuilt and republished for ITK 5.0 RC 2.
For an overview of ITK 5’s transition to modern C++, performance-related changes, the new, Pythonic API, the project’s migration to GitHub, and Mesh improvements, see the ITK 5 Alpha 1: Modern C++, ITK 5 Alpha 2: Performance, ITK 5 Beta 1: Pythonic Interface, ITK 5 Beta 3: GitHub and ITK 5 Release Candidate 1: Meshes release announcements.

Tomographic phantom reconstruction with the new Reconstruction Toolkit (RTK) remote module.
New Remote Modules
: read and write Scanco microCT .isq files.ITKTotalVariation
: total variation image denoising.ITKRTK
: the Reconstruction Toolkit provides high performance implementations of advanced tomographic image reconstruction algorithms.ITKThickness3D
: compute the skeleton and thickness transform from 3D images.
Performance Improvements
- Add MetaDataDictionary move support.
- MetaDataDictionary uses copy-on-write.
is now deprecated: replace with the new multi-threading functions.- Range-based for loops supported in
. - Major performance improvements to TimeProbe, ResourceProbe constructor (issue #350).
- Repository README files were migrated to Markdown.
- Continuous code coverage builds from Azure Pipelines.
- Better support for unicode in KWSys.
are deprecated in favor ofstd
equivalents.- New GitHub pull request templates and issue templates.
- New scripts added to update ITK remote modules.
framework refactored (see release notes introduction).- Initial streaming support added to
for linear transforms.
Third Party
- Eigen 3 updated to the latest version.
- Better support for building against a system Eigen.
- GDCM updated to the latest version.
- HDF5 updated to 1.10.4.
- ITKVtkGlue support for VTK with
set toNone
. - KWSys updated to the latest version.
- MetaIO updated to the latest version.
- VXL updated to the latest version.
- MINC updated to the latest version.
- Static variable synchronization method refactored; ITK 5 remote module Python packages need to be rebuilt against 5.0 RC 2.
- Add wrapping for
. - Docstrings added to snake case functions.
- Python tests should now be defined in /wrapping/test/CMakeLists.txt to exclude their definition when wrapping is not enabled.
- Conversion between ITK matrices and NumPy arrays is now supported.
- Additional wrapping types for
. - Additional types supported for NumPy <-> ITK Image conversion.
- Additional wrapping and typemaps for
. - Add wrapping for
. - Add wrapping for
. - Add wrapping for
To install the 5.0 Release Candidate 2 Python packages, run
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade --pre itk
What’s Next
There are many more improvements not mentioned above. For more details, please see the change log below. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.
The ITK 5 Migration Guide is available to help transition a code base from ITK 4 to ITK 5. Please discuss your experiences on Discourse.
The ITK 5.0.0 final release is scheduled for May.
Enjoy ITK!
Bradley Lowekamp @blowekamp (14):
ENH: Add move support to the MetaDataDictionary object
PERF: Implement copy on write for MetaDataDictionary
ENH: adding MetaDataDictionary GTests
BUG: Do not modify MetaDataDictionary with operator[] const
ENH: Improve ExposeMetaData efficiency
COMP: Address CMake policy warnings in ThirdParty libraries
ENH: Update AzurePipelines configuration from master
ENH: Explicitly set the XCode version used in Azure
COMP: Use CMP0048 new for wrapping
COMP: Set CMP0048 to new in ITK (Remote) Modules
COMP: Address OSX Clang "direct access" linkage warnings
ENH: Add Azure Pipelines script for coverage
BUG: Fix Li threshold calculator for negative image values
DOC: Correct documented Canny Segmentation filter example
Dženan Zukić @dzenanz (18):
ENH: add better support for Unicode by using UTF-8 by default in KWSys
BUG: propagate ITK_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES into zlib
COMP: fixing MSVC warning C4800
ENH: refactoring NarrowBandImageFilterBase to not use Barrier
DOC: fixing code sample
COMP: compile fixes for Visual Studio 2017
ENH: ModifiedTimeType uses 64 bits on Windows - it was 32 before
ENH: refactor itkThreadPoolTest and rename into itkMultithreadingTest
ENH: shuffling tests in ITKCommon to make the split more logical
ENH: introduce a parameter to control level of output
ENH: concentrating WaitForAll() in Iterate()
ENH: ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter no longer uses barrier
ENH: moving Barrier into Deprecated module
ENH: prevent false sharing between threads
STYLE: declaration alignment
ENH: replace itksys::hash_map and hash_set by std equivalents
COMP: missing override for destructors
Eigen Upstream (3):
Eigen3 2019-01-26 (e2c082bf)
Eigen3 2019-03-05 (0805e8fd)
Eigen3 2019-03-14 (8a3c2d91)
Forrest Li @floryst (4):
ENH: Update arrow spatial object
ENH: Update EllipseSpatialObject
ENH: Update box spatial object
ENH: Update polygon SO and delete polygon group SO
Francois Budin @fbudin69500 (25):
BUG: Implement but hide MetaDataDictionary iterator methods
BUG: Explicitly give Python library path to ITK Python targets for MSVC
ENH: Wrap itkPCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction
ENH: Synchronize factories across modules in Python
ENH: Explicitly return `None` when calling `__call__`` if filter has no output
ENH: Deprecated object call function and improve procedural call function
ENH: Adds argument completion with procedural calls
ENH: Add docstring to snake case functions
BUG: Disable Python tests if `ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES` is OFF
BUG: Returns a copy of the VNL matrix instead of a reference
ENH: Add helper functions to convert NumPy arrays to ITK matrices and back
ENH: Add `ttype` keyword in New() function for Python templated classes
ENH: `isinstance()` can be called without template parameters of classinfo
BUG: Wrap itkImageDuplicator for all image types as it is used by NumPyBridge
ENH: itkPCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction supports float images
ENH: Add advanced CMake option `ITK_DO_NOT_BUILD_TESTDRIVERS`
ENH: Move part of CI configuration into Azure YML files
ENH: Move Python tests into wrapping subfolder
BUG: Correct CMake variable name and move baseline files to appropriate folder
ENH: Only run Python tests on Linux and Windows
ENH: Adds wrapping for std::vector<itk::Image<...>::Pointer> and typemaps
ENH: New test to verify that` ObjectFactoryBasePrivate` is destroyed correctly
ENH: Enable forcing creating snake_case function for non-ProcessObject classes
ENH: Add snake case method for non itkProcess derived class itkImageDuplicator
BUG: itkObjectFactoryBasePrivateDestructor was not compiling with MSVC
GDCM Upstream @malaterre (3):
GDCM 2019-02-07 (8e1cfd05)
GDCM 2018-10-23 (2e701ed7)
GDCM 2019-02-08 (815caa81)
HDF5 Maintainers (1):
HDF5 2018-10-15 (545c5fb2)
Hans J. Johnson (27):
STYLE: Remove exact duplicate test code
ENH: Improve by adding enhanced complexity to testing
ENH: Add test for IsInsideInObjectSpace.
DOC: Improve diagnostic message from ExtractImageFilter
ENH: TransformIOBaseTemplate Must be explicitly instantiated
STYLE: Instance variables should be private
STYLE: Move default [con/de]strutor to .h (part 2)
STYLE: Class derived from TransformBase need explicit instantiation
STYLE: Remove functions that are not used
ENH: Use member functions with default values
COMP: Refactor to remove const_cast of void *
STYLE: Fix spelling s/ranage/range/g in comment.
ENH: Improve coverage for itk::FastMarchingImageFilterBase.
COMP: Allow compiler option fixed in gcc 4.1.0
PERF: Allow overwriting ABI/Optimization & Warning flags
DOC: Minor spelling corrections
ENH: Improve test coverage of ImageMoments
DOC: Expand GetAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRegion replacement code
STYLE: Prefer using Update() for consistency
ENH: Avoid deprecated SpatialObject function calls
ENH: ProtectedComputeMyBoundingBox return not used
ENH: Clean up tests to pass under new API
COMP: Consolodate duplicate LogTester code
COMP: Support ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE for SpatialObjects
ENH: Add legacy interface to SpatialObjects
BUG: Match return types for nullptr return values
COMP: Remove compilation warning unmatched types
Hastings Greer @HastingsGreer (6):
BUG: ImageSpatialObject's BoundingBox was nonfunctional if not axis aligned
BUG: ImageMaskSpatialObject::IsInside uses image cosines
COMP: fix compilation errors
COMP: Various compiler errors
COMP: fixes to enable compilation with gcc
COMP: Update tests
Jerome Schmid @schmidje (1):
COMP: VtkGlue module-Provide support for VTK new cmake targets
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño @jhlegarreta (29):
ENH: Add a PrintHelper file to overload boolean and vector printing.
ENH: Add a parameter to test to improve `itk::ResampleImageFilter` testing.
ENH: Update the ITKIOFDF remote module.
ENH: Improve `itk::ResampleImageFilter` class coverage.
BUG: Fix `ìtkResmapleImageTest2` test failing on 32-bit systems.
DOC: Transition `Examples` folder `README` file to Markdown.
DOC: Increase `VNL` ThirdParty module `README` information accuracy.
ENH: Conform to GitHub PR and issue template guidelines.
DOC: Transition the `Nonunit/Review` `README` to Markdown syntax.
ENH: Bump the latest version of the `ITKThickness3D` remote.
BUG: Fix GitHub community template syntax errors.
STYLE: Transition GitHub community template filenames to lowercase.
DOC: Change GitHub community template guidelines to HTML comment markup.
ENH: Add new GitHub community issue templates.
STYLE: Improve coverage issue template name wording.
DOC: Fix PR template not being displayed.
DOC: Add emojis to GitHub issue templates.
ENH: Update a few remote modules to their latest commit versions.
DOC: Improve the CONTRIBUTING guidelines document
DOC: Fix typo.
DOC: Add checklist to PR template.
ENH: Add a script to update the remote module commit hashes
ENH: Add a script to update the ITK tag as required in files
ENH: Update the Remote module Python package version automatically
STYLE: Rename remote module maintenance script
DOC: Add Remote module PyPI update notice in Release guide
ENH: Bump remote modules.
ENH: Bump remote modules to latest commits
ENH: Bump remote modules to their latest commits
COMP: Fix Software Guide line length too long warnings
KWSys Upstream @bradking (2):
KWSys 2019-02-14 (e270ce9f)
KWSys 2019-03-28 (e92bdbe8)
Matthew McCormick @thewtex (51):
ENH: Use HDF5 1.10.4
DOC: Updates to the README
DOC: Use 'ITK: The Insight Toolkit' for README title
ENH: Add legacy multi-frame DICOM MD5 content links
COMP: Avoid duplicate wrapping of VectorContainer with unsigned short
BUG: MeshIOBase ivars used for number points, cells, pixels
STYLE: Keep ProjectObject methods protected in ResampleImageFilter
STYLE: Remove unnecessary ResampleImageFilter input/output checks
DOC: Updates to the Release documentation for 5.0 RC 1
ENH: Update CI ExternalDataVersion to 5.0rc01
DOC: Add ITK 5 Release Candidate 1 release notes
ENH: Add regression test for reading legacy multi-frame DICOM
ENH: Update itk_hdf5_mangle.h for HDF5 1.10.4
COMP: Re-apply HDF5 Emscripten clobbered by 1.10.4 update
ENH: Add probot-stale GitHub bot configuration
ENH: Add test result analysis to Azure Pipelines web interface
COMP: Set CMP0083 for PIE flags
COMP: HDF5 CMake does not have INTEGER cache type
COMP: Do not also pass png_ptr twice to png_set_error_fn
ENH: Wrap TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter
PERF: Use constexpr in complex NumericTraits
BUG: VTKPolyDataMeshIO CanReadFile returns false for non-PolyData
COMP: Set CMP0083 for PIE flags
ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.13.2
ENH: Add missing SHA512 content link
ENH: Explicitly use Python 3.7 in Azure builds
COMP: Prevent duplicate wrapping ouput file specification
BUG: Add executable bit to
COMP: Specify type in LiThresholdCalculator min call
ENH: Wrap ExtrapolateImageFunction
ENH: Add Python wrapping for SymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter
BUG: Add missing ITKImageGrid circle.png content links
BUG: itkResampleImageTest2Streaming verification
ENH: Add IOScanco remote module
COMP: Add backwards compatible EnlargeRegionOverBox
BUG: Set dashboard_do_coverage in Azure configuration
COMP: Add export specification to ITKSpatialObjects
BUG: Mark HDF5 CMake variables as advanced
BUG: Mark INSTALL_GTEST CMake variable as advanced
STYLE: NIFTI CMake variable spacing
BUG: Do not use CACHE variables for NIFTI when not required
BUG: Remove BUILD_* GDCM settings from the cache
BUG: Remove ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED from the cache
STYLE: C-style variable declarations in WindowedSinceInterpolateImageFunction
ENH: Add wrapping for WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction
ENH: ITKVtkGlue only requires rendering libraries when needed
COMP: GaussianInterpolateImageFunction test narrowing
BUG: Allow Python tests in module test/CMakeLists.txt
ENH: Add new content links for ITK 5.0 RC 2
MetaIO Maintainers (2):
MetaIO 2019-01-15 (6efa2b32)
MetaIO 2019-04-24 (9d2012d1)
Mihail Isakov @issakomi (4):
BUG: doesn't detect ITKMeshIO
STYLE: header included twice, spelling
BUG: index overflow in BinaryMask3DMeshSource
BUG: changed to signed
Niels Dekker @N-Dekker (28):
PERF: Remove SystemInformation data from ResourceProbe, fix issue #350
COMP: Fix support itk::VectorContainer<TElementIdentifier, bool>
COMP: Fix SymmetricEigenAnalysis support TMatrix = itk::Array2D<T>
COMP: Trailing return types (reference, const_reference) VectorContainer
STYLE: HoughTransform2DCircles, GaussianDerivativeImageFunc member init.
COMP: Win32Header no longer disable MSVC warning C4800, C4290, C4786
COMP: Removed unreachable code, fixing VS2017 warning (level 4) C4702
STYLE: Removed '2' from GaussianDerivativeImageFunction::ImageDimension2
STYLE: Renamed SpatialFunction within GaussianDerivativeImageFunction
BUG: Fixes crashes in unit tests when argv[0] == nullptr
STYLE: Removed InitializeConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator()
STYLE: ImageFileReader uses std::unique_ptr<[]>, try-catch-throw removed
STYLE: Renamed array of radii EllipseSpatialObject to RadiiInObjectSpace
STYLE: Remove GetPixelTypeName() from both Image and Mesh SpatialObject
ENH: GTest for ImageMaskSpatialObject::GetAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRegion()
STYLE: Removed unused private EventObject::EventFactoryFunction type
COMP: Support ITK_LEGACY_SILENT for ThreadInfoStruct
STYLE: Removed five unused nested types from ImageSpatialObject
ENH: Add static member function Size<VDimension>::Filled(SizeValueType)
STYLE: Removed legacy-only ComputeMyBoundingBox() which was not in ITK4
STYLE: Renamed ProtectedComputeMyBoundingBox() to ComputeMyBoundingBox()
STYLE: Remove const from SpatialObject::ComputeMyBoundingBox()
BUG: Fix #734 Incorrect results GetAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRegion() for 2D
ENH: Extend test ImageMaskSpatialObject::GetAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRegion
STYLE: SpatialObject GetModifiableMyBoundingBoxInObjectSpace() non-const
PERF: ImageMaskSpatialObject::GetAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRegion() faster
ENH: Add explicit constructors Point and FixedArray for C++11 std::array
ENH: Add begin() and end() to FixedArray, support range-based for-loops
Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan @phcerdan (11):
ENH: Add itk-module-init.cmake to Eigen3
COMP: Make ThirdParty Eigen3 COMPILE_DEPENDS
COMP: Revert "COMP: Make ThirdParty Eigen3 COMPILE_DEPENDS"
DOC: Update ITK5MigrationGuide
BUG: Fix OFFIS_DMCTK_VERSION_NUMBER where wrunlock was introduced
BUG: Fix export for ITKDeprecated classes
BUG: Do no install any Eigen3 targets if ITK_USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN=ON
ENH: Update Remote Module IsotropicWavelets
ENH: Add remote module TotalVariation
Roman Grothausmann @romangrothausmann (4):
ENH: new tests to verify streaming capabilities of itkResampleImageFilter
BUG: corrected logic for checking that streaming was not used
ENH: compare outputs of itkResampleImageTest2Streaming to determine success:
ENH: Stream ResampleImageFilter for linear transforms
Simon Rit @SimonRit (2):
ENH: add RTK as a remote module
ENH: added test to check that Matrix returns a copy of the vnl matrix
Stephen R.Aylward @aylward (47):
ENH: Refactor of SpatialObject top-level class
ENH: Remove itkAffineGeometryFrame file
ENH: Update ArrowSpatialObject
ENH: Children name match using string.find (i.e., any substring)
ENH: Refined SpatialObject base class and organized .h. Refactoring.
ENH: Refactor Line and Landmark Spatial Objects
ENH: Refactor Mesh and fix bugs found in previous refactorings
BUG: Remove itkPlaneSpatialObject because it implemented a boxSO
ENH: Refactor itkPolygon[Group]SpatialObject
ENH: Refactor Scene to be a Group and refine base SpatialObject
ENH: Refactoring the SpatialObject to be more intuitive
ENH: SpatialObjects have "MyBoundingBox" and "FamilyBoundingBox"
ENH: Resolved SpatialObject member function and variable names
ENH: Updated subclasses to match SpatialObjectAPI
ENH: SpatialObjectPoint and Properties updated
ENH: Removed unwanted TreeNode classes
ENH: Removing outdated source files
COMP: SpatialObjectProperties now a cxx file that compiles
ENH: Refactor SpatialObjectPoints and TubeSpatialObjectPoints
ENH: Update PolygonGroup IO to use new spatial object classes
ENH: Refactoring for IO
ENH: Renamed functions to make coordinate system explicit
ENH: Refactoring Meta*Converter classes
ENH: Update to tests to fit new SO API
BUG: Fixed bugs on windows for tests
ENH: Updated wrapping and examples to compile SpatialObjects
ENH: Updated itkGetObjectMcro to itkGetModifiableObjectMacro
ENH: Updates to fix failing tests
ENH: Fix two more tests
BUG: Fix bug in ImageMaskSO bounding box
ENH: Making tests bug at a time...
BUG: Missing center computation in isInside function for Ellipse
ENH: Adding support for Clone member function to perform a deep copy
BUG: Last spatial-object-specific tests now pass.
BUG: Fix const issues regarding My/Family Bounding Box
BUG: Fix warnings and other minor things
ENH: Fixing PolygonSpatialObject
ENH: Made ContourSO and PolygonSO more consistent in logic
BUG: Fix IsInsideObjectSpace function in PolygonSpatialObject
BUG: Fix multiple bugs in refactoring of spatial objects
DOC: SpatialObject docs in migration guide (#630)
DOC: Detail function change in ImageMaskSpatialObject
DOC: Specify ITK class alternatives to removed SO member functions
BUG: Adds RemovePoint() to PointBasedSpatialObjects (#693)
DOC: PointBasedSpatialObject's PointListType migration docs provided (#652)
BUG: Adding a consistent Clear() to SpatialObjects (#700)
DOC: Update recommendation for computing a Boundoing Region in IndexSpace (#699)
Thomas Janvier @T4mmi (1):
ENH: Add Thickness3D Remote module.
VXL Maintainers (3):
VNL 2019-03-04 (1e8a027f)
VNL 2019-03-11 (3d183906)
VNL 2019-03-22 (d0ff9f72)
Vladimir S. FONOV @vfonov (2):
MINC 2019-04-23 (44fae20d)
ENH: fixed build script
Ziv Yaniv @zivy (1):
BUG: PNGImageIO segfaults on corrupt png.
@maekclena (13):
BUG: Initialize array with expected number of elements
BUG: Disable TIFF predictor
BUG: Python3 compatibility
ENH: Cleanup python wrapping tests
ENH: Address review comments
ENH: Update maintenance script
BUG: Replace sed by ex for portability
ENH: fix inconsistencies and clearer output
ENH: Update remote modules
BUG: fix gaussian interpolate test
BUG: Ignore comment lines
STYLE: Visually indent array
BUG: Remove outdated class declaration