ITK 4.8.0 Release Candidate 3 is ready for testing!

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are proud to announce that ITK 4.8.0 release candidate 3 has been tagged and is available for testing! Please take this opportunity to test the new features in the release candidate.
To obtain the source code,
git clone
cd ITK
git checkout -q –detach v4.8rc03
For more details, please see the Git documentation.
A few of the Insight Journal articles included as Remote Modules: LabelErodeDilate and MinimalPathExtraction
A few selected highlights for this release:
New remote modules: BridgeNumPy, LabelErodeDilate, ParabolicMorphology, MinimalPathExtraction
itk::FFTPadImageFilter to automatically pad images for the FFT implementation’s supported greatest prime factor
Additional point set registration capabilities.
More modules can be built as shared libraries.
GDCM, MetaIO, KWSys, MINC have been updated to their latest upstream versions.
Python wrapping is in excellent shape and works with the latest GCC, Clang, and MSVC.
Experimental cross-compilation support for Windows (MinGW-w64), ARMv6 (Raspberry Pi), ARMv7 (Android), ppc64le (POWER8), and JavaScript (Emscripten).
Please test the release candidate and share your experiences on the mailing list, issue tracker, and Gerrit Code Review. Since GDCM has seen a major upgrade to the latest version, please exercise DICOM IO, and be on the lookout for regressions.
An Experimental build, which demonstrates how the test suite performs on your local build system, can be submitted to the dashboard with:
mkdir ../ITK-build
cd ../ITK-build
cmake ../ITK
ctest -j 4 -M Experimental -T Configure -T Build -T Test -T Submit
Visual Studio builds must also add “-C Release” to the ctest command.
Notify the mailing list if there are any unexpected failures. Testing your own applications against the RC is also appreciated.
Congratulations and well done to the 31 contributors to this release. We would especially like to recognize the new contributors, David Froger, Cyril Mory, Dzenan Zukic, Ivan Setiawan, Jan Bergmeier, Rolf Eike Beer, Davis Vigneault, Gary JIA, and Alexander Hewer.
The final release will be approximately one week from now.
New Features
* Wrapping improvements
Wrapping now uses CastXML instead of GCCXML
The latest GCC, Clang, and MSVC are fully supported
Cross-compilation and packaging support
ITK_WRAP_VECTOR_COMPONENTS option to specify number of wrapped vector components
More classes wrapped
* Compiler Support
GCC 5.1
Clang 3.6.0
Better cross-compilation support (requires CMake 3.3)
Experimental support for Emscripten (JavaScript)
Experimental support for the Raspberry Pi
Experimental support for Android
Experimental support for MXE/MinGW-w64
Experimental support for the POWER8
* New Remote Modules
Insight Journal Article:
Convert itk.Image to NumPy array’s and back
Insight Journal Article:
Insight Journal Article:
* Infrastructure Improvements
An script for 3rd party updates with Git subtree
Minimum required CMake version is now 2.8.9
Many more modules can be built as shared libraries
ITK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES variable during initial configuration to turn on use of common system third party libraries by default
Release testing data tarball split from source tarball
Gold linker used by default on Linux
* Filtering Improvements
itk::FFTPadImageFilter to automatically pad images for the FFT implementation’s supported greatest prime factor
itk::AtomicInt class for parallel computation
Various performance enhancements
* Registration Improvements
Point set SyN registration
Point set BSpline SyN registration
* Documentation Improvements
The ITK Software Guide is now available in HTML
* Third Party Library Updates
GDCM updated to latest upstream
KWSys updated to the latest upstream
MetaIO updated to the latest upstream
MINC updated to the latest upstream
* Style improvements — ITK gets more stylish with every release!
* Improved code coverage — we are at 85.4%!
* *Lots* of important bug fixes
* And much more! See details in the log below.
Changes from v4.8rc02..v4.8rc03
Bradley Lowekamp (3):
BUG: Remove reliance on exceptions in StringTools::ToData methods
BUG: Fix WriteCellsAsBinary and valgrind defects
COMP: Explicitly export SingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizerv4
Matthew McCormick (4):
COMP: Address may be used uninitialized in IdentityTransformTest.
COMP: Address array subscript above bounds in VTKPolyDataReader.
COMP: Work around GDCM test segfault with Clang 3.5+.
BUG: Do not use pthreads with Emscripten.
Michka Popoff (1):
ENH: Update PyInit for Python 3