ITK 4.5.2 has been released!

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit Community, we are happy to announce the release of ITK 4.5.2.
This is a patch release that addresses critical issues. The 4.5.2 release fixes building again a system libtiff for versions 4.0.0-4.0.2, which is common on many Linux distributions, a number of wrapping issues, Windows support for large TIFF files, writing of GDCM dicom series z-spacing, SCIFIO builds on MacOS, and a bug in the ExpectationMaximiationMixtureModelEstimator as well as a other fixes. For the full list of updates, please see the change log. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. Questions and comments are welcome on the ITK mailing lists.
The next feature release of 4.6.0 is scheduled for June.
Enjoy ITK!