ITK 4.1.0 Released

On behalf of the ITK community, Kitware and the ITK team are happy to announce the release of the Insight Toolkit 4.1.0! This release is the first since ITK 4.0.0 and includes a number of improvements and new features. Additionally, this is the first release to deviate from the even-only minor release number, an effect of transitioning to Git.
Notable improvements in this release include better VTK Bridge and WrapITK support, a new deconvolution filtering module with several classes, and a new TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransform. There are also enhancements to the Registrationv4 and LevelSetsv4 frameworks, and a new video filtering module that includes a method to use standard filters in a video pipeline. Additionally, InsightApplications (from the ITKApps repository) has also seen a number of updates to ITKv4.
The latest downloads are available on the ITK download page, and the complete list of updates can be seen in the change log. We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to join the community and mailing list, particularly since we will actively re-engage the community in the 4.2 release and will be seeking out new contributors.