ITK 3.6 Released

ITK 3.6 was released on April 15, 2008. The main changes in this release relate to improvements of the image registration framework. In particular, a set of multi-threaded image metric implementations have been added to the Code/ Review directory. Stephen Aylward led the team that developed these new classes. Team members included Brad Davis, Sebastién Barré and Matt Turek. Very valuable feedback was provided by Jim Miller (GE), Serdar Balci (MIT) and Golina Polland (MIT).
The registration framework was also revised in order to:
- Provide correct management of Oriented Images
- Reduce memory requirements of BSpline deformable registration
- Reduce memory requirements of Mattes Mutual Information image metric
- Add nightly testing for 3D image registration cases
There were a limited number of classes added to the Code/ Review directory.
In particular:
- Image Projection Filters
- Helper classes for profiling memory consumption
- Multi-threaded image registration metrics (described above)
The image projection filters were kindly contributed by Gaetan Lehmann in a reproducible paper submitted to the Insight Journal. Click here for a full list of classes added and changes made in this release. The release of ITK 3.8 is currently scheduled for the end of July 2008.