ITK 3.0 Released

ITK 3.0 was released on November 21, 2006. The main change in this release is the addition of an alternative wrapping system called WrapITK. This system was contributed by Gaetan Lehmann, Zachary Pincus and Benoit Regrain in a paper submitted to the Insight Journal. The paper can be found at the following Insight Journal handle:
WrapITK uses CMake macros in order to generate the instantiations of ITK templated classes. The instantiations are then processed using CableSwig in order to generate wrappings for Tcl, Python, and Java. The previous wrapping mechanism is still available. Users can select what wrapping to use by setting CMake variables at configuration time.
A review of copyrights and licenses of different subcomponents of the Insight Toolkit was also performed. Several components that were not compatible with the BSD license were removed.
The full list of changes in this release can be found at