import std in CMake 3.30

April 18, 2024

Since C++ named modules left the experimental state in CMake (see import CMake; the Experiment is Over!), CMake development has continued to add more support for modules. The most recent development is the experimental support of import std;. C++23 introduced support for APIs to be available via the named module std. This means that import std; is a valid way to get access to all non-macro C++ APIs instead of including headers one-by-one. This is great news, however to use modules the build system needs to be involved to create the BMI files before the import can happen.

The CMake support for named modules included the ability to export targets for later import. The solution leverages that support with toolchains declaring a target to represent the standard library for each standard. This target is used inside of CMake’s own logic and added to projects automatically; projects do not need to mention the targets in project code at all. When CMake encounters a target which has at least C++23 enabled that also supports C++ modules1, it will query the CXX_MODULE_STD property on the target (which may contain generator expressions2). This property is initialized by the CMAKE_CXX_MODULE_STD variable, if defined. If it is unset, the current behavior is to not use the target. The internal target is not included in any export set or transitive usage requirements as every target (IMPORTED or not) will be recomputed to have this dependency automatically in the generated code as CMake will export the CXX_MODULE_STD property as needed. Projects may detect support for import std with the current toolchain by checking whether the language level (e.g., 23) is in the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_IMPORT_STD variable.

Here is an example showcasing some basic usage (here, where consuming a target that imports std itself does not need to know about it because it happens within a source file). Tested with LLVM 18.1.1 (using libc++ with this patch) and MSVC 14.35.

# CMake 3.30 is required for C++23 `import std` support; we use 3.29.20240416
# here so that in-development versions satisfy it. 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.29.20240416 FATAL_ERROR)

# Set experimental flag to enable `import std` support from CMake.
# This must be enabled before C++ language support.
  # This specific value changes as experimental support evolves. See
  # `Help/dev/experimental.rst` in the CMake source corresponding to
  # your CMake build for the exact value to use.

# C++ needs to be enabled.
project(import_std LANGUAGES CXX)

# Tell CMake that we explicitly want `import std`. This will initialize the
# property on all targets declared after this to 1

# Make a library.
add_library(uses_std STATIC)
# Add sources.
# Tell CMake we're using C++23 but only C++20 is needed to consume it.
  PRIVATE   cxx_std_23
  INTERFACE cxx_std_20)

# Make an executable.
# Note that this source is *not* allowed to `import std` as it ends up
# with only C++20 support due to the `uses_std` INTERFACE requirements.
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE uses_std)

With the following uses_std.cxx source:

import std;

void hello_world(std::string const& name)
  std::cout << "Hello World! My name is " << name << std::endl;

And the executable’s source:

#include <string>

void hello_world(std::string const& name);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  hello_world(argv[0] ? argv[0] : "Voldemort?");
  return 0;

Here are the (anonymized) build commands from LLVM and MSVC compilations of this project:

[1/14] "CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang-scan-deps" -format=p1689 -- CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++   -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -x c++ SRC_DIR/uses_std.cxx -c -o CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o -resource-dir "CLANG_ROOT/lib/clang/19" -MT CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.ddi -MD -MF CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.ddi.d > CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.ddi.tmp && mv CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.ddi.tmp CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.ddi
[2/14] "CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang-scan-deps" -format=p1689 -- CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++  -ICLANG_ROOT/bin/../lib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/../../share/libc++/v1 -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -Wno-reserved-module-identifier -x c++ CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm -c -o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o -resource-dir "CLANG_ROOT/lib/clang/19" -MT CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.ddi -MD -MF CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.ddi.d > CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.ddi.tmp && mv CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.ddi.tmp CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.ddi
[3/14] "CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang-scan-deps" -format=p1689 -- CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++   -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++20 -x c++ SRC_DIR/main.cxx -c -o CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o -resource-dir "CLANG_ROOT/lib/clang/19" -MT CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.ddi -MD -MF CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.ddi.d > CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.ddi.tmp && mv CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.ddi.tmp CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.ddi
[4/14] CMAKE_ROOT/bin/cmake -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles/main.dir/CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=clang --dd=CMakeFiles/main.dir/CXX.dd @CMakeFiles/main.dir/CXX.dd.rsp
[5/14] "CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang-scan-deps" -format=p1689 -- CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++  -ICLANG_ROOT/bin/../lib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/../../share/libc++/v1 -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -Wno-reserved-module-identifier -x c++ CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm -c -o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o -resource-dir "CLANG_ROOT/lib/clang/19" -MT CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.ddi -MD -MF CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.ddi.d > CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.ddi.tmp && mv CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.ddi.tmp CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.ddi
[6/14] CMAKE_ROOT/bin/cmake -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=clang --dd=CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CXX.dd @CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CXX.dd.rsp
[7/14] CMAKE_ROOT/bin/cmake -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=clang --dd=CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/CXX.dd @CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/CXX.dd.rsp
[8/14] CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++   -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++20 -MD -MT CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o -MF CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.d @CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o.modmap -o CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o -c SRC_DIR/main.cxx
[9/14] CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++  -ICLANG_ROOT/bin/../lib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/../../share/libc++/v1 -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -Wno-reserved-module-identifier -MD -MT CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o -MF CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.d @CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o.modmap -o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o -c CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm
[10/14] CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++  -ICLANG_ROOT/bin/../lib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/../../share/libc++/v1 -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -Wno-reserved-module-identifier -MD -MT CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o -MF CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.d @CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o.modmap -o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o -c CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm
[11/14] : && CMAKE_ROOT/bin/cmake -E rm -f lib__cmake_cxx23.a && CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-ar qc lib__cmake_cxx23.a  CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o && CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-ranlib lib__cmake_cxx23.a && :
[12/14] CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++   -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++23 -MD -MT CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o -MF CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.d @CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o.modmap -o CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o -c SRC_DIR/uses_std.cxx
[13/14] : && CMAKE_ROOT/bin/cmake -E rm -f libuses_std.a && CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-ar qc libuses_std.a  CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.cppm.o CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/CLANG_ROOT/share/libc++/v1/std.compat.cppm.o CMakeFiles/uses_std.dir/uses_std.cxx.o && CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-ranlib libuses_std.a && :
[14/14] : && CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -Wl,-rpath,CLANG_ROOT/lib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cxx.o -o main  libuses_std.a && :
[1/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi SRC_DIR\uses_std.cxx -nologo -TP -showIncludes -scanDependencies CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.cxx.obj.ddi -FoCMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.cxx.obj
[2/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++20 -MDd -Zi SRC_DIR\main.cxx -nologo -TP -showIncludes -scanDependencies CMakeFiles\main.dir\main.cxx.obj.ddi -FoCMakeFiles\main.dir\main.cxx.obj
[3/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi "TOOLCHAIN_ROOT\modules\std.compat.ixx" -nologo -TP -showIncludes -scanDependencies CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj.ddi -FoCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj std.compat.ixx
[4/14] CMAKE_ROOT\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles\main.dir\CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=msvc --dd=CMakeFiles\main.dir\CXX.dd @CMakeFiles\main.dir\CXX.dd.rsp
[5/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi "TOOLCHAIN_ROOT\modules\std.ixx" -nologo -TP -showIncludes -scanDependencies CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj.ddi -FoCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj std.ixx
[6/14] CMAKE_ROOT\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=msvc --dd=CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\CXX.dd @CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\CXX.dd.rsp
[7/14] CMAKE_ROOT\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_ninja_dyndep --tdi=CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\CXXDependInfo.json --lang=CXX --modmapfmt=msvc --dd=CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\CXX.dd @CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\CXX.dd.rsp
[8/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++20 -MDd -Zi /showIncludes @CMakeFiles\main.dir\main.cxx.obj.modmap /FoCMakeFiles\main.dir\main.cxx.obj /FdCMakeFiles\main.dir\ /FS -c SRC_DIR\main.cxx
[9/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi /showIncludes @CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj.modmap /FoCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj /FdCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\__cmake_cxx23.pdb /FS -c "TOOLCHAIN_ROOT\modules\std.ixx" std.ixx
[10/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi /showIncludes @CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj.modmap /FoCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj /FdCMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\__cmake_cxx23.pdb /FS -c "TOOLCHAIN_ROOT\modules\std.compat.ixx" std.compat.ixx
[11/14] C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "cd . && VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\lib.exe /nologo /machine:x64 /out:__cmake_cxx23.lib CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj && cd ."
[12/14] VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP   /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -Zi /showIncludes @CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.cxx.obj.modmap /FoCMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.cxx.obj /FdCMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.pdb /FS -c SRC_DIR\uses_std.cxx
[13/14] C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "cd . && VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\lib.exe /nologo /machine:x64 /out:uses_std.lib CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.ixx.obj CMakeFiles\__cmake_cxx23.dir\C_\Program_Files\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\modules\std.compat.ixx.obj CMakeFiles\uses_std.dir\uses_std.cxx.obj && cd ."
[14/14] C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "cd . && CMAKE_ROOT\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe --intdir=CMakeFiles\main.dir --rc=SDK_ROOT\x64\rc.exe --mt=SDK_ROOT\x64\mt.exe --manifests  -- VC_ROOT\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe /nologo CMakeFiles\main.dir\main.cxx.obj  /out:main.exe /implib:main.lib /pdb:main.pdb /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console  uses_std.lib  kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib && cd ."

Note that both of these cases show a __cmake_cxx23 target that compiles the standard library’s modules to provide object code for them. This is the core reason why the feature is behind an experimental feature gate as it is an open question of whether this causes ODR violations in practice. These objects are provided as a STATIC library to ensure that they are available through any consumer of a target using import std while also allowing the linker to drop unused objects (e.g., the std.compat module’s object file).

A huge thank you to Bloomberg for funding the work to implement this in CMake.

Future work towards supporting import std from C++20 (an extension that implementations have stated support for) is possible, but held off for now in order to gain experience with import std as a non-extension part of C++23.

Go forth and test! Bug reports welcome 🙂 .

  1. Targets declare support through the CXX_SCAN_FOR_MODULES property.
  2. Though not all generator expressions are allowed. Configuration-dependent ($<CONFIG>) and consumer-querying ($<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>) expressions are not supported as whether a target does import std should not depend on the consumer (at all) or configuration (this may be possible, but prior to defining such support officially, it is denied). ↩︎

32 comments to import std in CMake 3.30

  1. Sir, I am newbie in cmake, can you provide me command to build with llvm in Ubuntu? Thank you so much!

    1. CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
      The “CXX_MODULE_STD” property on the target “uses_std” requires that the
      “__CMAKE::CXX23” target exist, but it was not provided by the toolchain.

      — Generating done (0.0s)
      CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
      And I get this error when run this cmake command: CXX=clang++ CC=clang cmake -GNinja ..

        1. I’m also having the same error. I’m running on macOS 12.5.1, clang 18.1.5, cmake 3.29.20240506

      1. Same here. I installed libcxx module and libc++.modules.json installed at /usr/local/lib, but don’t know about how to pass this into CMake.

      2. This is because clang++ -print-file-name=libc++.modules.json does not return the full path of “libc++.modules.json” (I don’t know why).

        But the workaround is here.
        – Open the file “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/HEAD-506d175/share/cmake/Modules/Compiler/Clang-CXX-CXXImportStd.cmake”
        – Change line 13
        – ” -print-file-name=libc++.modules.json” to ” -print-file-name=../../c++/libc++.modules.json”

      1. I ran cmake with c++20 successful with my configuration (cmake version 3.29.20240430-g6320294, Ubuntu clang version 18.1.4 (++20240416114258+e3c832b37b0a-1~exp1~20240416234314.99), ninja 1.11.1.git.kitware.jobserver-1)

  2. Wonderful!
    Just a quick question, my modules are compiled with pthread support and the std PCH generated by cmake is not. How will one handle these issues, I.e is there a way for me to tell Cmake that the std PCH needs to be compiled with in order for the PCH to be able to be loaded

      1. Thanks Ben,

        Just for anyone else stumbling on my comment, I can mention I was able to unblock myself by simply skipping PCH validation. Not elegant, but works fine until a proper solution is in place.

  3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that import std is being pushed out to Cmake 3.31 (see milestone here: I’ve been trying to get this to work against cmake 3.30-rc4 but ended up with the same linked issue. If this is not in scope for 3.30 anymore could we add a note of that somewhere or update the document title to reflect the expected release version?

  4. Can it be used with OpenMP? When I use

    find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX)

    Then it complains errors:

    error: OpenMP support and version of OpenMP (31, 40 or 45) differs in PCH file vs. current file
    error: module file CMakeFiles/__cmake_cxx23.dir/std.pcm cannot be loaded due to a configuration mismatch with the current compilation [-Wmodule-file-config-mismatch]

  5. This is really cool!

    But with MSVC I get:
    warning C5050: Possible incompatible environment while importing module ‘std’: _UTF8 is defined in current command line and not in module command line

    because my application uses the /utf-8 compile option.

    How can this be avoided?

  6. Do I need to enable experimental support for import std, if my module is consumed in a form of shared library from different project? I get following error:

    1> [CMake] CMake Error in app\CMakeLists.txt:
    1> [CMake] The “CXX_MODULE_STD” property on the target
    1> [CMake] “ModuleTut@synth_4354a7f76787” requires that the
    1> [CMake] “__CMAKE::CXX23” target exist, but it was not provided by the toolchain.
    1> [CMake] Reason:
    1> [CMake]
    1> [CMake] Experimental import std support not enabled when detecting toolchain; it must be set before CXX is enabled (usually a project() call)
    1> [CMake]

  7. Hello. Using Visual Studio 2022, in MSBuild project, IntelliSense is recognizing import std. In the same IDE, using CMake project, it is not recognized. Is this some CMake or VS issue?

  8. I’m on Windows 10 with VS 17 2022 and cmake 3.31.1, and I still get the error about:

    “__CMAKE::CXX23” target not provided by the toolchain.

    But it works if I open the project directory Visual Studio (and manually set cmake executable to the latest installed version). It does not work from the command line, or from the VS Native Tools Command Prompt

  9. This is because clang++ -print-file-name=libc++.modules.json does not return the full path of “libc++.modules.json” (I don’t know why).

    But the workaround is here.
    – Open the file “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/HEAD-506d175/share/cmake/Modules/Compiler/Clang-CXX-CXXImportStd.cmake”
    – Change line 13
    – ” -print-file-name=libc++.modules.json” to ” -print-file-name=../../c++/libc++.modules.json”

    Intel macOS, you should open /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.31.3/share/cmake/Modules/Compiler/Clang-CXX-CXXImportStd.cmake

  10. clang for windows does’t work
    because cmake for clang want libstd++
    i am use windows include/lib/modules paths

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