IGSTK 4.4 Released

On behalf of the Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK) team, Kitware is pleased to announce the release of IGSTK 4.4. IGSTK is a high-level, component-based framework that provides a common functionality for image-guided surgery applications. The framework is a set of high-level components integrated with low-level open source software libraries and application programming interfaces (API) from hardware vendors.
The new features in the 4.4 release include support for Ascension’s 3D Guidance trackers (medSAFE, driveBAY and trakSTAR); PET image readers, spatial object and representation classes; and PET/CT fused image and electromagnetic tracker-guided needle biopsy application examples.
The build instructions can be found on the Kitware public wiki and the release is available on the IGSTK Download page.
If you are interested in further information about IGSTK or in services around IGSTK, such as support, consulting or training courses, please contact us at kitware@kitware.com or (518) 371-3971.